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Bathing Safety Walk-in Tubs

Aging In Place Image

Bathing Safety Walkin Bathtubs is an Aging-In-Place Specialist in helping seniors stay in there homes.

“Aging in Place” is a project of Partners for Livable Communities along with the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging National.

The goal is to encourage and support people who are aging to stay in their homes for as long as they can and to educate them on how to do so safely.

As our aging population becomes concerned with their ability to live safely and comfortably in their homes the need for certain home modifications has increased and Bathing Safety offers many solutions for transforming your bathroom into a more accessible and safer room in your home.

The rick of a fall is a real concern as we age. Making certain bathroom additions such as walk-in tubs can increase the chances that you will be able to “age in place” successfully yourself.

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